General Discussions and Small Talk
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Danny W. Wilson

Clicks vs. Comments

As a new user i agree with Alex and brad, i am here because none of my friends are really interested in photography and asking then if one of my pictures is any up to standard is a real waste of time as they will always say it is good even if im having doubts about it myself.
Im really looking foward to reading comments of constructive and critical nature aswell as getting a little attention as i really want to be able to get the best results possible with my camera!
(even if my only 3 comments are in German which i cant understand they are appriciated)
As for more clicks than comments as a new user and a new photographer i would feel a little uneasy about being critical of people who have been taking pictures since before i was born as their experiance and knowledge is far superior to mine and i feel i would have little to offer other than to say 'nice pic'.
488 clicks
Brad Waldera

Uploading from fotohome.

Hi Brad!
It actually is a good strategy first uploading your photos to your fotohome before opening them for the discussion.
You can make sure that the quality is not spoiled by just a bad upload, that the size is correct, how it looks on the fc-background etc before giving them to the discussion.
But make sure that you have prepared your photos before upload. There's a good description written by Vladimir: ... =148&t=148 It really worth doing it... If you're not happy with a picture then, you can replace it without loosing an upload...
Try that with your picture "In Reverse", I'm pretty sure that you can improve the technical quality a little. The picture itself is great!
Greetings, Martin
318 clicks
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