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Share your photos, make friends and learn together.
Become part of a community with over 1.7 million members!
20 years of experience
Copyright is yours
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Servers in germany

Somewhere in Germany (81); Germany votes!

Portrait of a Tibetan knitting
michael lieb

Schmachter See

Monument in honour of the soldiers of the Soviet Army
Share your photos
Present your images in an environment of like-minded people who like to engage with you and your creative works! Your photo, the story or your thoughts about it and technical details inspire others. Because you and your images are a valuable part of our community.
Make friends
Get to know exciting members, because photography is much more fun together. Meet like-minded people on photo tours or at a cosy photo regulars' table near you. Networking with others via comments under individual photos or via personal messages is uncomplicated and welcome!
Develop yourself
Through the exchange with other members and active participation, you will constantly develop photographically. Comment on other people's photos, write your thoughts or questions to the photographer under the pictures and a photographic dialogue develops in which you can learn a lot.