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More photo friends.
More photo knowledge.

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Undisturbed attention

Enjoy over 500.000 pictures in our nude section

Full access to the nude area

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Your own photo homepage with premium designs

Your professional appearance

The ePaper of the Colorfoto with the latest camera tests

Free ePaper

Discover more with our panaroma mode

Full photo enjoyment

Advertise your own dates or workshops

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Gemeinsam verbunden

Mach die neue Gruppenfunktion im Messenger zu Deinem digitalen Treffpunkt

More reach for you and your photos

Show your photos in up to 3 sections

Find photo friends faster

Exchange ideas, get feedback & develop your photography skills

You and your photos in an ad-free premium environment

Enjoy the fotocommunity ad-free and present yourself and your photos without annoying adverts

Your exclusive access to the nude section

Over 500,000 nude photos, with over 2,500 added every month

Your vote counts

Vote in gallery and competition polls

Win great prizes

Take part in all photo competitions

Your professional appearance

Create your photo homepage with premium designs in just a few clicks

Our members about the fotocommunity

Stefan Beutler

Member since April 2003
"The fotocommunity is a huge network of like-minded people with whom you can have constructive discussions and be inspired."


Member since June 2019
"I want to become more active in the fotocommunity again this year. That means uploading more photos again, working on various photo courses, having the opportunity to build up and use a portfolio and also taking part in the exciting competitions."

Heinz Gutersohn

Member since January 2006
"The fotocommunity is an inspiring platform that I have been using for years to present my work and receive feedback."


Member since November 2015
"For me, the fotocommunity is an instructive and enjoyable opportunity to keep coming up with new suggestions and ideas."


Member since July 2004
"What I like about the fotocommunity is the communicative exchange. You get creative ideas and suggestions through the diversity and get a better self-assessment through feedback from other photographers."

Sandra Fey

Member since May 2018
"I find the fotocommunity very versatile and clearly organised. ... It serves photo knowledge and creativity and is not just a platform for uploading photos."

Maximum photo enjoyment

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Find interested parties for your events or workshops

Advertise your events or workshops in the fotocommunity diary and make them visible to many interested parties