General Discussions and Small Talk
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Rafael Cor


I think that having spoken to some people on here I can understand how some critique is seen as harsh ... I am sure I can speak for many others and myself when I say that it is almost always not intended to be harsh but honest and constructive ... because there are a whole range of abilities and people of wide ranging sensitivities and also people with very different motives for uploading images it is very difficult to assess each person before commenting on their images .. this probably is what leads to some people feeling harshly treated especially if they upload a reasonable holiday snap and are judged alongside people who either spend their days taking good standard images or even make a living from it ... it's a difficult thing to deal with. To treat every uploader as if they are an amateur snapper and just say nice things would see our membership drop dramatically because many people come on here to learn and to receive critique ... so where we go from here I am not sure ... I have stopped commenting for the moment as I do not feel comfortable offering my opinion unless I am asked for it, but this is not the way forward.
296 clicks
Soraal S

New here

Hi Soraal, welcome .. regards, Paul.
03.09.05, 01:06
Hi Soraal, welcome .. regards, Paul.
290 clicks
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