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Andreas Hommel

Urheberrecht & Copyright

thanks Karin
02.08.05, 13:26
thanks Karin
309 clicks
Rob Wells


Oh yes, I'm like Steve Ovett's and Forrest Gump's love child.

That BBC competition is complete pants you realise. They display the pictures too small, and after submission you stand only a snow-balls chance in hell of ever causually seeing it again. Apparently, because they have so many submissions, they only ever show 1500 random shots if you start to browse the gallery.

And I'll be f**ked if they think I'm gonna watch BBCi on the off chance they care to show one of mine.

I even emailed them to tell them it was pants...they never replied and I just felt that little bit older: -

"Dear BBC,

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Yours sincerely,

Irate from Kent"

Its the sort of letter that my grand-dad would have written. Oh the shame!!
329 clicks
Rob Lamper

Membership and use of fotocummunity.

Hi Rob!
I'm sorry that you want to quit, surely I think it would have been good for the fotocommunity to have you here. So I didn't write comments to your pictures (I was on holidays and wrote very few comments the last weeks) I noticed them as some good work.
As for the causes you give I think I'll have to disagree in some parts.
It's true that really constructive critics are rare, critisizing means also to say what one don't like, and saying that might also scare away new members. Personally I like to get an impression of the author first before saying things which are negative (pooh, very poor formulation but I think you understand what I mean). Please consider also that it's summertime, and I have an impression that many of those who are giving constructive critics are on holiday just now... I myself have had some really usefull discussions here and am sure, that I could improve my skills a lot.
What you say about the size of the fotocommunity, so I disagree as long as it concern .com. I, too, think that the .de page is too crowded, but here on .com I'd like to see more activity. Anyway, it is important to "filtrate" the "input" after your personal taste, and you can do this with the "Buddy"-function. Mark photographers whose work you like as "Buddies", and you can have a closer and easier look on their work. But sure, it takes some time to go through all the pictures, but it's also sure that that's common in all such kind of communities.
Off course there are problems, no such a site will be perfect, but let's try to make the best of it...
I really hope that your decision to leave is not your final decision...
Greetings from Norway, Martin
21.07.05, 16:19
Hi Rob!
I'm sorry that you want to quit, surely I think it would have been good for the fotocommunity to have you here. So I didn't write comments to your pictures (I was on holidays and wrote very few comments the last weeks) I noticed them as some good work.
As for the causes you give I think I'll have to disagree in some parts.
It's true that really constructive critics are rare, critisizing means also to say what one don't like, and saying that might also scare away new members. Personally I like to get an impression of the author first before saying things which are negative (pooh, very poor formulation but I think you understand what I mean). Please consider also that it's summertime, and I have an impression that many of those who are giving constructive critics are on holiday just now... I myself have had some really usefull discussions here and am sure, that I could improve my skills a lot.
What you say about the size of the fotocommunity, so I disagree as long as it concern .com. I, too, think that the .de page is too crowded, but here on .com I'd like to see more activity. Anyway, it is important to "filtrate" the "input" after your personal taste, and you can do this with the "Buddy"-function. Mark photographers whose work you like as "Buddies", and you can have a closer and easier look on their work. But sure, it takes some time to go through all the pictures, but it's also sure that that's common in all such kind of communities.
Off course there are problems, no such a site will be perfect, but let's try to make the best of it...
I really hope that your decision to leave is not your final decision...
Greetings from Norway, Martin
314 clicks
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