About me
I’m just a husband, father, son, brother, and friend living in Westbrook, Maine. My wife and I have raised our children and I am now discovering my old hobbies.
I live and work in the State of Maine, USA, as a loss mitigation manager specializing in helping clients navigate complex insurance claims. Outside of work, my greatest passions are photography, fishing, and spending quality time with Renee, my wife.
While landscape photography has been my primary focus, I have recently begun exploring new creative avenues and considering several personal projects. Each idea excites me, but deciding which one to pursue is a challenge, as all are worthy of my time and effort.
In December 2024, I was fortunate to find an incredible deal on new (to me,) photography equipment, which included a Canon 80D, a Canon 60D, a Canon 18-135mm IS lens, and a Sigma 150-500mm DG HSM APO lens—all for a total of $225. This purchase marked a significant upgrade from my Digital Rebel XS. Additionally, I’m able to use my existing Canon 50mm 1.8 and Tamron 18-200 lenses with the new cameras.
As someone who exclusively shoots in manual mode, the expanded options and improved capabilities of my upgraded gear have opened up a world of possibilities. I am eager to embrace these new tools and continue pushing the boundaries of my photography journey.
While landscape photography has been my primary focus, I have recently begun exploring new creative avenues and considering several personal projects. Each idea excites me, but deciding which one to pursue is a challenge, as all are worthy of my time and effort.
In December 2024, I was fortunate to find an incredible deal on new (to me,) photography equipment, which included a Canon 80D, a Canon 60D, a Canon 18-135mm IS lens, and a Sigma 150-500mm DG HSM APO lens—all for a total of $225. This purchase marked a significant upgrade from my Digital Rebel XS. Additionally, I’m able to use my existing Canon 50mm 1.8 and Tamron 18-200 lenses with the new cameras.
As someone who exclusively shoots in manual mode, the expanded options and improved capabilities of my upgraded gear have opened up a world of possibilities. I am eager to embrace these new tools and continue pushing the boundaries of my photography journey.
Adele D. Oliver 28/01/2025 3:03
greetings from Vancouver, BC..... you have been a member for such a long time, and only just now do I find you ... hope you will stay this time :-)))warm regards,
Sofia Lorenzo 23/07/2005 0:24
Hi! Thank you for your comment!!!All the best
Aiden Mahoney 20/07/2005 12:59
Thank you again Tony for you comment on "Shoreline Discoveries.Aiden Mahoney 20/07/2005 12:56
Thank you Tony for your comment on,Winter Still Life.Greetings from Canada.
John Bennett 15/06/2005 17:49
Thanks for your comments on"fossil Leaves", I've had a look at your pictures I like the way some of them portray a lovely scence of the community spirit where you live, something sadly lacking here in England, you certainly have a good eye for a picture.All the best.
Elaine Lyness 08/06/2005 20:17
thanks for your comment,and i like your workBerthold Stephan M A I C H E L 08/06/2005 20:04
Hi,thank you for your comment.
Your photography works are also very interesting and very much artistic.
Kind regards!
Derya Cevik 07/06/2005 23:11
thanks your comments for my photo 'red and blue lines'. i used photoshop filters to do itWilhelm Harlander 07/06/2005 18:49
Servus T Bessey,
viele Grüße aus Old Germany - Munich City
Dirk Hofmann 12/02/2005 1:42
welcome!with your cool son you'll have a motive for the next 10 years ... :-) ... i know what i'm talking about: my daughter is almost 3 and absolutely enjoys being photographed ...
i'm looking forward to see that little guy grow up ... :-)
take care
FamSchmidt-Streeck 02/01/2005 20:31
Hi, thanks for your comment to Berliner Dom. Shot details : 4 sek f 6,7 ISO 100.Nicola Fernandes 19/12/2004 21:16
How many Mega pixes/pixes is some of your images? So big yet so clear.Holger X. 24/11/2004 18:51
Hi, Tony -thanks for your comment on one of my photos.
I'm lucky, that now people from all over the world can see my photos,
that's where I've taken the photos for.
If you like Berlin at night, this one is for you :
You are telling, that you travel through your state extensively,
so I have another one for you.
Did you ever see a sunrise like that ?
Himmel über Lourdes
Holger X.With my very best wishes - Holger
Kim Harwood 23/11/2004 23:44
sorry should have said pushing its luckKim Harwood 23/11/2004 23:43
thanks for your comment ..... i think the yacht was pussing it's luck a bit.