About me
Well I'm still here after all these years.Doing my bit.
I must say , Ihave learnt a lot since Istarted here , and made many a friend and lost them as well . Lots of cherpy souls eager to join in the fun and to show us their wonderfull pieces of work.
I do hope it continues for a long while to come.
My warmest thanks to every one.
I must say , Ihave learnt a lot since Istarted here , and made many a friend and lost them as well . Lots of cherpy souls eager to join in the fun and to show us their wonderfull pieces of work.
I do hope it continues for a long while to come.
My warmest thanks to every one.
Stefan S. Mosley 23/12/2010 16:08
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 13/07/2010 8:22
Ciao John, veramente un bellissimo ritratto di bimba, contraluce stupendo, acutezza ottima, tanti complimenti, alle prossime, affettuosissimi saluti...EmirDanny W. Wilson 10/04/2010 20:36
Thanks John!Emily
Danny W. WilsonKasiaDesign 06/04/2010 23:21
Thank you, John, for your comment on my Spring Collage. Lovely to hear from you and I'm pleased you are still here and active:-) Sorry, I'm not around much. KasiaNatalja Dralova 30/03/2010 10:52
Thank you very much!Best wishes, Natalja
Natalja DralovaDanny W. Wilson 24/03/2010 22:29
Thank you for your kind comments concerning my work.Alexis
Danny W. WilsonEmir Hadzidervisagic Roki 19/03/2010 8:37
Tahnk you so much John for comment and the best regards...EmirEmir Hadzidervisagic Roki 18/03/2010 9:20
Thank you very much John for your comment, all the best...regards...Emirgorkem bereket 11/03/2010 16:20
thanks for the comment-best wishes
Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 10/03/2010 6:55
Ciao John, ti ringrazio di cuore del bel commento e del tuo apprezzamento, buona settimana e un caro saluto a presto...EmirJOKIST 09/03/2010 20:41
Many thanks for your comment !campesino de camello
JOKISTLG Ingrid und Hans
CsomorLászló 09/03/2010 20:18
I don't know her name, a pretty hungarian girl-:))
Dianna 04/03/2010 22:34
Thank you John for stopping by and making a comment to my floral.Greetings to you,
Sandra Maurer 02/03/2010 21:24
:o) My pleasure John.... xxxmarcu ioachim 02/03/2010 17:39
Thank you for your comment.Best regards.