Comments 12

  • Andy Vollmar 16/06/2005 20:40

    I`m also to send Hallo in fotocommunity...wish you very a good time...

  • Maxim Van den Bossche 09/06/2005 9:30

    hellO Derya

    im immensely captivated by your work. you got your own style which is the best:)
    hope to see lots of lots more of your work
    you're one of the most fascinating people o know

  • Rob Wells 08/06/2005 20:12

    You have exquisite taste, Derya. All Nick Cave fans do !!
  • George Cayce 06/06/2005 17:00

    THANKS :)
  • Remsi Remsen 04/06/2005 18:46

    hi derya!

    you´re welcome! Just wrote what i thought. Nevertheless its not easy to comment pics like that...
    Feel free to tell me your first thoughts on my pics! :)

    life is a bitch...;)
    severely RR
  • Kay Wölfle 04/06/2005 15:25

    Hi Derya,

    thank You very much for Your comment on my pic "Awakening Hodoos" and... welcome to the fc!!

    Greetings Kay
  • Josep A. Collado 04/06/2005 12:34

    Many thanks, Derya, for the comment on my pic.
    I wish you the best here, in FC.
    Greetings from València.
    Josep Antoni
    Els cabuts (Estanco a 150 mts)
    Els cabuts (Estanco a 150 mts)
    Josep A. Collado
  • Rob Wells 01/06/2005 13:06

    Thanks for your comment on 'Mask', Derya.

    I'll look forward to seeing more of your photo's in future.

    Take care. Rob.
  • Noel Shami 31/05/2005 5:54

    Hi Derya...
    Thankyou for your comment on my photo "fly free". Glad you liked it. Photography is the best thing in the world ...don't you agree?
  • Julie Williams 30/05/2005 3:04

    Welcome to FC Derya, as a newie myself - I look forward to seeing more of your photography.

    Thank you for your kind words re 'Mask of silence'

    Julie (W>australia)
  • Dirk Hofmann 29/05/2005 1:29

    Hi Derya!

    I also want to say "Welcome to!”

    This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I’m quite sure that you’ll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!
    Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!

  • Emre YNS Guler 26/05/2005 16:39

    slm derya hosgeldin bu arada bir itirafta bulunayim resmine yorum yaparken senin olabilicegini aklima dahi getiremedim profil fotografini daha yeni gordum ve sasirdim :)) fc ye hosgeldin
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