Vinicius S.

Free Account, São Paulo

About me

Incorrigible sensitive poor nothing...

Comments 87

  • Francesco Margarita 11/12/2007 12:44

    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Francesco Margarita

    Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
    francesco margarita
  • Liz M 18/10/2007 7:09

    Aww thanks Vi!!
    I must confess im a lover of your photos and music
  • Puderdose. 20/07/2007 18:33

    lol. you dont have to fall in love with me because of my pictures^^

    well hope to hear from you!
    bye byee
  • Serdar Camlica 14/07/2007 17:35

    thanks for your kind comment... i would like to show my new artwork

    serdar camlica © 1998-2007
  • Tierney 01/07/2007 4:43

    thank you! i am still figuring this place out.
  • Lucie DeMaid 12/02/2007 19:26

    thank you very much, i like your picture too.. :)

    and all your photography, beautiful work.

  • Marie-Charlot Vleminckx 10/01/2007 21:00

    It's a pleasure to meet you !
    And i visite you site !
    Bye x
  • Marie-Charlot Vleminckx 10/01/2007 16:24

    Oh .. i'm sorry .. it was the other picture .. :)
  • Marie-Charlot Vleminckx 10/01/2007 16:23

    Hey !
    Thanks for your comment !
    Well you only can see my mouth ..
    But thank you !
  • Scenecore.x X 14/12/2006 17:03

    thx :)
    but I think it´s ugly .o.Ô.
    nice pics ;)
  • Gabrielle de kok 14/12/2006 14:34

  • Pascal Viyer 13/12/2006 11:08

    Merci beaucoup, Vinicius !
  • Scenecore.x X 08/12/2006 22:59

    thx :)
  • Andrew Novoselov 22/11/2006 21:20

    Hi Vinicius! To me of 29 years, I work as the musician (vocalist) at restaurants, cafe. A photo my hobby which I love.
    The dessert was in a refrigerator, it{he} waited when I shall make his{its} portrait.;-)
  • Andrew Novoselov 22/11/2006 17:51

    Thanks for comments Vinicius!!!
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