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The Crosses of Lafayette -- Memorial Hill near San Francisco

The Crosses of Lafayette -- Memorial Hill near San Francisco

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Free Account, Frankfurt am Main

The Crosses of Lafayette -- Memorial Hill near San Francisco

Die Kreuze von Lafayette sind eine private kleine Protestaktion zum Fireden und orientieren sich an den Soldaten-Verlustzahlen vom Irak und Afganisthan-Krieg. Sie stehen auf einem Hügel nahe der BART Station in Lafayette, einem kleinen Dorf in der Nähe von San Francisco.


The Crosses of Lafayette, aka Lafayette hillside memorial. It is a private protest action for peace and the number of crosses is casualties-orientated after the number of fallen soldiers during the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are placed on a hill near the Lafayette BART-Station. Lafayette itself is a small town near San Francisco, Bay Area.

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Camera NIKON D5100
Lens AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED
Aperture 5.6
Exposure time 1/125
Focus length 105.0 mm
ISO 200

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