Lug Gedeh at the entrance gate
The little girl Lug Gedeh greets the arriving guests at the entrance gate for the wedding reception to be held in the interior of the property.
Lug Gedeh at the entrance gate
The little girl Lug Gedeh greets the arriving guests at the entrance gate for the wedding reception to be held in the interior of the property.
Benita Sittner 16/11/2022 20:03
...was ein feierlicher Empfang...VLG BenitaHerbert Rulf 13/11/2022 23:21
Das Mädchen haucht dem sowieso schon schönen Eingang Leben ein. Macht sich gut.LG, Herbert
richardelmas 13/11/2022 23:01
Muy bella foto. Me gusta mucho la niña posando en ese templo, con una hermosa arquitectura y bellamente engalanado.Saludos
Ralf Melchert 13/11/2022 18:47
Sehr schön