2,002 3

Filip Wieme

Free Account, Gent


I would like to enhance the luminosity of the central green part and possibly add a bleuish-gray smear to the sky;, in photoshop.
How would I best proceed?
Any suggestions welcome & thank you!

Comments 3

  • Robert L. Roux 25/10/2006 14:23

    advice for taking exceptional photos:
    point camera at something interesting
    press button to open lens ...
    greetings from the heart of the north
    ( where i could never take enough fotos ;-))
  • Ildikó ZókaDani 22/08/2006 17:25

    ... in this way good ( for me), indeed... have a fearful impresson...
  • Virgil Mlesnita 13/12/2005 11:18

    Dodge, burn for playing with luminosity. Make a new layer, paint on it and then play with blending modes. Good luck!