
Free Account, Somewhere over the rainbow

About me

Be kind to each other
Not very active, so don't wait for a fast response

War begins in the mind.

That's why some of my recent uploads are for peace. There must be more of it. In every aspect of life.


Please stop writing private mails here if you want to thank me. My browser doesn't support it. I just want to support photo art that I like. If it makes you happy, it's a plus.
You can always leave a nice comment or fave if you want.

This is not my main art page because it is money based here. ¯\_(°-°)_/¯

I don't upload much here, but when I remember to log in, I fave/follow art that I enjoy a lot. ^^ Maybe you should do it as well?

If you don't have anything nice to say, maybe keep it to yourself.

Comments 143

  • Roberto Parducci 23/10/2024 20:49

    Vielen dank  ciao
  • Laurent B. 25/01/2024 11:26

    Merci pour l'appréciation de "Tournepierre à collier"
  • Kall97 23/01/2024 18:23

    Thank you for your kindly praise.
    Best regards
  • Roberto Parducci 05/12/2023 1:00

    Vielen dank  hallo  ciao
  • Papa Eule Hedwig 21/11/2023 12:10

    Lieben Dank für Dein Lob.
    Viele Grüße
  • Peter Bär 15/10/2023 9:15

    Vielen Dank für Dein Lob zu meinem Peggy's Cove Bild, es hat mich sehr gefreut. LG Peter
  • Papiersoldat 30/05/2023 0:13

    Eine wunderschöne feinsinnige Galerie hast du da - eine sehr romantische Art der Bearbeitung präsentierst du uns hier. Toll! :-)
    LG, Lars
  • hensken 17/05/2023 16:44

    Danke für dein Lob zu mienem Foto. lg hensken
  • Christoph Buchinger 16/05/2023 20:44

    Danke fürs Lob! LG c
  • Norbert Minke 16/05/2023 10:06

    Du bist ja doch aktiv.
    Danke für dein Lob.
    LG Norbert
  • Roberto Parducci 15/05/2023 19:40

    Vielen dank  hallo   ciao
  • Tom Knobi 09/05/2023 9:27

    Moin aus Hamburg,
    danke schön für Deine Lobe für die Bilder aus der Serie Bordwand.
    Liebe Grüße, Tom
  • Hakuna matata 2023 09/05/2023 7:04

    Danke für Dein LOB...
  • Thomas Maus 08/10/2022 8:39

    Herzlichen Dank für deine Lobe
    LG Thomas
  • Pixelissima 28/09/2022 11:45

    Vielen Dank für all die Lobe, die Du mir gegeben hast.
    LG Marlis



Not worth mentioning/Nicht erwähnenswert

Uhm, this site leaves the impression it is all about fancy equipment... and "supports" more special kind of photography...