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Ken Piros

Five Questions

Favorite Photography Book ?

Chris Orwig- Visual Poetry.

The one lens I could not be without ?

35mm f 1.8, I am very comfortable with this lens

What do you do to get your drive back when you experience photographers block ?

I give myself a topic or project to work on. I will look at photography blogs and websites for a project or topic idea and when I see something that looks interesting I go out and look for an interesting way to capture it.

What inspires me to go out and take photographs ?

Looking at the works of others and coming across something that makes we want to click on the image and see what elements within the frame make the image stand out and thinking how can I include those elements/techniques in my images. Then go out and do it.

If I could go back in time and tell the young me one thing about photography what would it be ?

While in pursuit of that “magical” street or documentary image put more effort into making better environmental portraits or candid images of the people in your life that mean something to you. Those moment cannot be recreated.
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