About me
Hello fellow photographers,
Thank you for visiting my profile, sharing your thoughts, helpful feedback, and appreciations!
Thank you for visiting my profile, sharing your thoughts, helpful feedback, and appreciations!
Willy Storz 27/09/2024 20:25
Vielen Dank für dein Lob zum Foto "Im Mercedes-Benz Museum".LG Willy
Mario Siotto 30/03/2024 12:45
Mario SiottoAnnée 1978
Je m'en sert encore et fonctionne parfaitement
laomao1956 13/03/2024 5:09
Thank you, you have a lot of beautiful line works.David Arduini 15/01/2024 16:28
Thank you Zilvinas, I like macro photos, I think there is humor in how you made the camera the Protagonist and gave both of the object's personality. Ciao David.Fernando Anzani 25/12/2023 17:12
Vielen Dank und frohe Weihnachten. Ciao. Fernando.Differenze
Fernando AnzaniFull color (E)
Fernando AnzaniFernando Anzani 19/10/2018 18:07
Infinite grazie. Ciao. Fernando.Venise et son carnaval
Fernando AnzaniDinu Filipescu 22/03/2018 11:47
Thanks for your comment , Zivinas.Angela Höfer 02/04/2015 9:40
Thanks a lot for your commentregards angela
Oana H. 16/03/2015 17:48
Hello,thank u for your visit and comment. It is an honorRegards,Oana
Tania Skaradek 06/01/2015 17:06
So it was a time when we was neighbors:-)Thanks for visit and comment, Zilvinas!
I like your gallery, antique cars are wonderful!
Best regards
Adele D. Oliver 07/09/2011 2:28
Hello and welcome! Great to see that you joined our big FC.com family. I am sure you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the pictures of other members. I wish you lots of new friends and much fun and always "good light"!!greetings from Vancouver,
Adele - Nature Channel Manager
Zilvinas K. 05/09/2011 13:41
Hello everyone,I'm here to share some of my better pictures. I love the feel of film photography and still shoot it as well as digital. I enjoy shooting architecture and cityscapes among many other subjects.