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About me

Record the beautiful moments

My name is Wang , I am from China.
I am not a professional photographer. Photography is just a hobby, I like diving photography best, hoping to record beautiful moments.Thanks for your advice.

Comments 7

  • patrick hyrailles 19/07/2024 6:25

    merci pour ton passage sur mes photos
    bonne journée
  • Friederike Neumann 31/05/2024 7:52

    Herzlichen Dank für dein Lob meiner Bilder! Hast eine beeindruckende Seite !! LG Friederike
  • Martina Thewes 18/05/2024 9:38

    Thank you very much for all your likes und your nice words.
  • hgphpotography 14/04/2024 5:18

    Hello Wang,
    Your photography is a magic "Hobby, "with extraordinary and absolute professional results!
    Gratulation! Looking forward to seeing more of it! X scuba diver.
    LG Hans
  • Gerd E. Wilhelms 23/03/2024 14:52

    Really wonderful underwater photos in an outstanding quality with great colors. Regards Gerd
  • laomao1956 08/03/2024 7:30

    thank you
  • Fred Maro 07/03/2024 19:33

    Hello Wang,
    your "Hobby" produces wonderfull and absolute professional results!
    Gratulation! Looking forward seeing more of it!
    Regards from Germany.
  • 9 0
  • 83 98
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  • Photographer (beginner)
  • Photo Interested


M 11 X2D 100C ALPA IQ4150