Vitaly Altoiz - Photos & images - Photographer from San Antonio, TX, United States | fotocommunity Vitaly Altoiz's profile - Photographer Vitaly Altoiz from San Antonio, TX, United States [fc-user:896360] - Started painting and drawing...somehow move
Usually I enjoy interplay between lights and darks in photos, unless every detail disappears and replaced by dark shapes. Your photo has a great potential. All the body lines are very smooth. A bit of post work coulld save this image. B&W version was better and perhaps that was a direction you should have gone. What I would do(and that's me) is to work on the B&W image a bit more and do not show color version at all thus avoiding any unfavorable comparisons..
Where was that shot? These girls are beautiful.
thanks for looking at my 'dream' image. i'm experimenting with silhouettes for fun and didn't think the image was usable, but someone wanted a print in color. you say it's too dark...could you elaborate a bit? that will help in the future.
sarah k
Hey! Welcome to FC. If you need any help learning how to get around just give a holla'. Hope to see you joining us in the forums for discussions and fun.
The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.
Jörg Kallweit 22/03/2009 22:20
A very interesting profile with fanzinierenden pictures in your gallery!On happiness from Dortmund in the Art Metropole Ruhr / Germany
Hadi Entesari 30/10/2008 9:50
Hi Vitaly AltoizVery good you pictures
regards to all ur friends n family
hadi From Iran
Vitaly Altoiz 17/02/2007 19:07
Usually I enjoy interplay between lights and darks in photos, unless every detail disappears and replaced by dark shapes. Your photo has a great potential. All the body lines are very smooth. A bit of post work coulld save this image. B&W version was better and perhaps that was a direction you should have gone. What I would do(and that's me) is to work on the B&W image a bit more and do not show color version at all thus avoiding any unfavorable comparisons..Where was that shot? These girls are beautiful.
Sarah D. Kiefer 17/02/2007 18:38
vitaly,thanks for looking at my 'dream' image. i'm experimenting with silhouettes for fun and didn't think the image was usable, but someone wanted a print in color. you say it's too dark...could you elaborate a bit? that will help in the future.
sarah k
Vitaly Altoiz 06/02/2007 23:54
Thanks for the warm welcome.Vitaly
When 06/02/2007 10:50
Hey! Welcome to FC. If you need any help learning how to get around just give a holla'. Hope to see you joining us in the forums for discussions and fun.
Abdul Khaliq 05/02/2007 7:12
Welcome to fotocommunity.comSHARE YOUR PASSION
The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.
Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:
Abdul – Channelmanager for Subjects
Vitaly Altoiz 04/02/2007 22:31
Birthplace: RussiaResidence: America
Current interest: photography and girls