About me

i've been shooting with my holga lately. fun stuff, that! i've become a fan of cross processing, film, light leaks and vignettes. look for my stuff on flickr:


unlimited and user-friendly... think of that!

bye for now!

Comments 229

  • Tony AKa fototaker 17/12/2009 15:34

    aaaaw don't go!!! we love your fotos and with guys on airplanes in mid-air, it's fun too!!! hoping you're still creative and getting those camera juices running soon!!! hugs and take care!!!
  • Christian Bertero 23/07/2009 16:46

    thank you very much / grazie tante Sarah

  • Fons van Swaal 28/12/2008 17:47

    Happy New Year Sarah,
    Hope all your wishes come through in 2009...
  • Comy 21/12/2008 21:10

    ...wishing You and Your family great Christmas...
  • Vesela Maleeva 21/12/2008 15:54

    Dear Sarah,
    To you and your loved ones,
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  • Claire L. 11/12/2008 13:12

    Dear Sarah,

    Best wishes, Claire
  • Comy 01/12/2008 20:30


    best wishes
  • Fons van Swaal 29/11/2008 19:20

    Much appreciated ......;-))))
    Best regards...Fons
  • Canan Oner 28/11/2008 21:44

    Thank you so much for all the kind and encouraging words Sarah !!!
    Have a nice weekend..
  • Jeff Burgess 20/11/2008 2:31

    Wait till I post the nude swimmers!!!!!!!
  • Jeff Burgess 07/11/2008 20:45

    Skykomish river at dusk
    Skykomish river at dusk
    Jeff Burgess

    thanks Sarah, for looking and commenting. Hope you get a camera soon!!!
  • Jeff Burgess 26/10/2008 18:40

    Sarah, yes....no edge to this fall series....just a concentration on color and form. We are having a beautiful fall up in the Northwest...very little rain and cool night and warm day temps....perfect for perfecting leaf color.....I have taken many walks in the parks and lots of pics.....which I will bore you with in the near future. Thanks for the comment....and warm regards fellow swimmer....
  • Comy 21/10/2008 20:31

    heya yo Sarah...:)
    nice to see your "signiture" somewhere, sometimes...
    much appreciated, you know...:)
    best wishes
  • Enne See 21/10/2008 16:09

    Sarah, hey! Take care!
  • Jeff Burgess 21/10/2008 1:15

    Yes.......I .......woof woof....woof..............woof.....
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