Michael Maytal - Photos & images - Photographer from new york, United States | fotocommunity Michael Maytal's profile - Photographer Michael Maytal from new york, United States [fc-user:481887]
Hi Michael,
Just wanted to let you know this is dedicated to all my friends on FC, and that includes you. Thanks. Your pictures are some of the most special. Thanks.
Thank you very much for your warm welcoming on my humortistic nude pictures. As you certainely know, daring humor with sex might be much more provocative and permissive, even unbearable, than keeping straight on those things. So, I'm glad to have at least one who understands the depth of my light makings.
Thank you for noticing my changing of portraits. Yes, It is my drawing but I don't think it is really good.
I like your description of "to listen with your eyes". Very true!! and I like your photos very much.
Hello from Italy,
there are so many subjects to photograph inside Big Apple...beautiful original shots yours.
A friend of mine living in NY, tell me that in your city you can find the WHOLE things you need.
Michael, thanks for your comment on my bridge this morning. Also, I haven't forgotten about your note to me regarding cropping the foot. I've actually given that a lot of thought and I am of the opinion that some photographs cry out for precision. Others mentioned Magritte when they viewed your ostrich (I hope I'm remembering the name) and while you share his imaginative gifts, he seemed to have rules about containment. I don't think he would have cut off the brim of the homberg. But these are just my thoughts. Creatively, your picture is a triumph. Warm wishes, Helen
over the years , after i learned to listen to my eyes , i started to capture their observation without reservation.....recently , to add my artistic view .
Francesco Margarita 14/12/2007 14:33
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
Francesco MargaritaMarry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
ciao francesco margarita
When 14/09/2005 11:59
Hi Michael,Just wanted to let you know this is dedicated to all my friends on FC, and that includes you. Thanks. Your pictures are some of the most special. Thanks.
Pierre Sorgniard Paris 02/07/2005 17:08
Hi Micheal !Congratulation for your Self Portrait Contest Score ! Your score is even worse than mine !!! LOL.
Pierre Sorgniard Paris 01/06/2005 4:32
Dear Mike.Thank you very much for your warm welcoming on my humortistic nude pictures. As you certainely know, daring humor with sex might be much more provocative and permissive, even unbearable, than keeping straight on those things. So, I'm glad to have at least one who understands the depth of my light makings.
Accept my sincere respect.
Esther Scheelings 30/05/2005 23:16
Hi Michael,Thanks for your nice comment on my pictures. Like you's too.
Hope to enjoy more of you! Greetings, Esther
Esti Eini 26/05/2005 15:35
Thank you for noticing my changing of portraits. Yes, It is my drawing but I don't think it is really good.I like your description of "to listen with your eyes". Very true!! and I like your photos very much.
Julie Williams 26/05/2005 1:57
thank you for your kind comment on 'confrontation'regards
Julie (W.Australia)
Lucia Barbara 13/05/2005 8:49
Hello from Italy,there are so many subjects to photograph inside Big Apple...beautiful original shots yours.
A friend of mine living in NY, tell me that in your city you can find the WHOLE things you need.
Best regard
Helen Page 12/05/2005 17:35
Michael, thanks for your comment on my bridge this morning. Also, I haven't forgotten about your note to me regarding cropping the foot. I've actually given that a lot of thought and I am of the opinion that some photographs cry out for precision. Others mentioned Magritte when they viewed your ostrich (I hope I'm remembering the name) and while you share his imaginative gifts, he seemed to have rules about containment. I don't think he would have cut off the brim of the homberg. But these are just my thoughts. Creatively, your picture is a triumph. Warm wishes, Helen
Hudson Valley 22/04/2005 7:05
What interesting pictures...look forward to more.Welcome
Michael Maytal 25/02/2005 10:04
over the years , after i learned to listen to my eyes , i started to capture their observation without reservation.....recently , to add my artistic view .