Johan Botha

Free Account, Potgietersrus

Comments 3

  • Peta Lisle 29/12/2005 7:06

    Hi Johan, what a great collection of photos you have so far. Welcome to FC and I'll being looking out for more of your work.

    Pidgie Widgies!
    Pidgie Widgies!
    Peta Lisle
  • Elaine Liebenbaum 06/12/2004 22:04

    A big start. Hardly a member and already being voted on.
    That's a number. Well let me congradulate you. And welcome you into the fotocommunity.
    take care and good luck
  • Donna Vitkauskas 06/12/2004 14:07

    Welcome to fotocommunity! I love the shot of the bug that you took, I voted it to be in the gallery. best of luck!
    First Snow
    First Snow
    Donna Vitkauskas
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