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Pidgie Widgies!
Natural formations, specially with birds is always beautiful.
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Allan Thompson 27/03/2006 22:50
I love silhouettes,this is a well composed ,well thought out one!!Sarndra 29/01/2006 1:46
LMFAOOO!!! Pidgie Widgies.... i think u and i went to the same school :-) lovely capture!Sahin S. 27/01/2006 15:56
Thank u for your comment about my photo. i liked your pictures' composition..Jan Symank 21/01/2006 23:13
The diagonal line is very well composed !Jan
Andrew Denissov 19/01/2006 8:30
Nice shot, Peta.Valfoto 16/01/2006 9:49
Simply bautifulGreetings, Manuel
Sergio Pessolano 10/01/2006 12:46
Excellent composition.Nyo Pu 08/01/2006 7:38
well cropped to get great
F. Cagin Dizdar 06/01/2006 2:54
very good composition and colours are greatMircea Tiron-Tudor 22/12/2005 16:58
I like the composition.The light is good and colours warm.
Congratulation !
Dragomir Vukovic 14/12/2005 1:48
beautiful natural linesSeagaul 10/12/2005 9:41
very good composition!Robert Padilla 10/12/2005 5:11
Repetition, and rythym. Very nice comp!My best,
Dean Linder 07/11/2005 0:32
Spooky, yes watch out below.-dEaN....
Wayne Tsipouras 01/11/2005 1:37
Nice shot Peta,But careful standing under them !!!! :-)