About me
So this will be my second arrival at the fotocommunity, I was an active member until about two years ago,but have not contributed anything since.
I have however kept an eye on this excellent web site and am pleased to see that many of my buddies from a few years back are still on here and still uploading great images.
I have recently upgraded my camera to a Canon eos 50D and this has prompted me to get out and take pictures.
I am looking forward to re establishing contact with the many great photographers whom I used to know and meeting many new ones.
I still take mainly landscapes, many from my area of the south east of England.
I also enjoy taking people pics, still life and basically anything which I find interesting and feel would make a good photo.
I am not opposed to using photoshop to make minor adjustments when needed, but mainly to create a different look of effect.
I have however kept an eye on this excellent web site and am pleased to see that many of my buddies from a few years back are still on here and still uploading great images.
I have recently upgraded my camera to a Canon eos 50D and this has prompted me to get out and take pictures.
I am looking forward to re establishing contact with the many great photographers whom I used to know and meeting many new ones.
I still take mainly landscapes, many from my area of the south east of England.
I also enjoy taking people pics, still life and basically anything which I find interesting and feel would make a good photo.
I am not opposed to using photoshop to make minor adjustments when needed, but mainly to create a different look of effect.
John Millward 07/12/2010 12:35
Hello Dominic. Nice to see some of your work. I am very much looking forward to learning from you at Cotehele at the end of January.Véronique Soulier 01/11/2010 9:29
Thanks a lor for kind comment. greetings VSJVision 19/10/2010 8:30
Hi Dominic,it's great to see you back here :-) I had a long break myself and I am happy some of my old buddys are still active or active again.
Sarah Paterson 17/02/2010 16:46
Hi Dominic, I was on your course in Bath a couple of weeks back. I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on my portrait photographs? Alot of the ones I have on my site are reasonably old but as a photographer yourseld I'd appreciate maybe some tips? www.Sarah-P-Photography.comI'm such an ammateur at all this. I'd certainly benefit from some Boudoir Photography Courses.
My email address is sarah_paterson@hotmail.co.uk
Many thanks!
Claire L. 25/06/2009 16:23
A BIG THANKS!!!Sarah Burg 19/05/2009 20:32
Hi Dominic,Thx for your comment.
It's the view from Meuren towards Freudenburg near Saarburg in Rhineland-Palatinate. A beautiful area.
best wishes, Sarah
Martin Jay 15/02/2009 21:48
Thanks for your comment on my stone colour my original title was lean to the building did seem to lean towards me.Regards, Martin Jay
Fons van Swaal 12/02/2009 0:21
Thanks a lot Dominic ......;-)))
Best regards,
Tad Kanazaki 07/02/2009 1:22
Thank yo for your nice comment on my picture.Regards Tad.
Tad KanazakiJan Van Der Hooft 05/02/2009 9:26
Thanks for your comment on this shotSarah Burg 03/02/2009 9:27
Welcome back Dominc, best wishes, SarahCees Kuijs 02/02/2009 20:36
Welcome back, Dominic !!!!Good to see you around again and that you`ve picked up photography again !!
Greetings, Cees
Sarah D. Kiefer 04/02/2007 18:19
thank you so much for your positive comment on 'flickerbeat' glad you like it! just looked at all your flowers...great work!!sarah k
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 27/01/2007 22:28
thankyou Dom, yes i adore Bic Runga also, she has a great voice, i love singing her stuff,her album collision is wonderful check it out
Jaime :0)
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 25/01/2007 23:06
Thankyou Dom for your lovely comment :)
hope you have a great weekend.
Today here in australia its " Australia Day", so soon we are off to take our son to see Humphrey Bear and some other concerts and rides, it should be good, take care my friend
Jaime :0)