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Sexy Shelby Girl (Kat Meyers)

Sexy Shelby Girl (Kat Meyers)

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KoolGirlieStuff Photography Tom Eitnier


Sexy Shelby Girl (Kat Meyers)

A never before released photo used for a Shelby poster.....
Model: Kat Meyers San Francisco, California
Camera: Olympus Digital
Kat Meyers shot on location outside the San Francisco International Airport with an EXTREMELY RARE pre-production 1967 Shelby American GT350 (car #67) A Fantastic car and a wonderful model!
***I know it`s HARD but, try to concentrate on the car this is a REAL Shelby!***
(Digital photo with colour enhancement and contrast added)

Attention: Due to too many of my works being stolen over the internet, all of my photos now carry the KGS watermark and copyright, so please no comments about the watermark being wrong or out of place in the photograph, sorry folks it`s here to stay!

**** Achtung : "Es kam leider öfter vor das meine Bilder "gestohlen" wurden und irgendwo auftauchten, von daher plaziere ich immer ein Logo auf alle meinen Bildern" *****

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