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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 51

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 51

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Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 51

In this lesson: "I LOVE SPRING" = "Ich liebe (den) Frühling"

When this woman wants to enjoy the spring she must hurry up (1) like the men in the background: Meteorologically the spring is over (three months from 1st of March). Only astronomically it still continues (2): It lasts (3) from the vernal equinox (4) (20th or 21st of March) to the summer solstice (5) (21st of June). Alternatively she must wait until spring 2012.

(1) sich beeilen
(2) dauert an
(3) dauert (von/bis)
(4) Frühlingspunkt
(5) Sommersonnenwende

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