Pond photo & image | abstract nature, nature images at photo community
Pond Photo & image by Anca Silvia B. ᐅ View and rate this photo free at fotocommunity.de. Discover more images here.
a world beyond, through the looking glass, with its own little orange sun… nice use of reflections! and an image that makes one look forward to summer and its tiny idyllic microcosmic places… my favorite detail: the mirrored fern and its dainty looks! hugs, sabine.
Hans-Reiner Bohn 26/05/2015 15:26
schön sieht er aus ...GLG, Reiner
s. sabine krause 25/05/2015 18:59
a world beyond, through the looking glass, with its own little orange sun… nice use of reflections! and an image that makes one look forward to summer and its tiny idyllic microcosmic places… my favorite detail: the mirrored fern and its dainty looks! hugs, sabine.Ulfert k 25/05/2015 18:59
Herrlich diese Spiegelung.Eine feine Natur präsentierst du hier !lg
ulfert k