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Lunchtime languor...

Lunchtime languor...

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Lunchtime languor...

Some dude having a snooze in the heat at Christchurch Botanical Gardens, New Zealand... 8 December 2005

Comments 7

  • Sarndra 21/12/2005 7:53

    @Rob...don't need to. Search the news online lately in NZ...even a guy taking snaps of 10-15 yo girls on the way to school was allowed to do so and was discharged in i doubt me snapping a dude languishing on the riverbank is perving LOL
  • Rob Brydon 20/12/2005 12:29

    yes i hope you got the guys permission like Jess suggested Sarn...and his phone #. Nice relaxed shot anyway...Rob
  • Sarndra 09/12/2005 8:27

    @Diana: Thanx... :-) i was walking in my lunchhour...i work beside the park... was tempted to blob like that for the day!

    @Celal: relaxxxx aint that a grand word!!! Wanted to but i had to get back to work LOL
  • °°° celle °°° 08/12/2005 15:46

    lay back and realx
    good shot
    c ya
  • Diana Davidson 08/12/2005 10:51

    nice job... I love the composition : )
  • Sarndra 08/12/2005 9:16

    Get off...the grass...he was a poser anyway LOL!
  • Jessica McBrearty 08/12/2005 9:10

    haha cool pic...i hope you asked his permission ;-)