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KoolGirlieStuff Photography Tom Eitnier


Lost Elegance

The unreal Miss Juliette La Fleur takes us back to a forgotten time of Grande Elegance between the two great wars
Model:Juliette La Fleur Hollywood, California
Camera: Sony Digital CD500
Hollywood Retro Diva Miss Juliette La Fleur shot on location in the beautiful front lobby of the Sheraton Westshore Suites Hotel in
Tampa, Florida at appox 2am shortly before the arrival of Hurricane Frances

(Digital colour photo with NO PHOTO SHOP USED WHATSOEVER!)

Part two of this series

Elegance La Fleur..........Lost Elegance (teil Zwei)
Elegance La Fleur..........Lost Elegance (teil Zwei)
KoolGirlieStuff Photography Tom Eitnier

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