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Living Art Ballerina

Living Art Ballerina

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KoolGirlieStuff Photography Tom Eitnier


Living Art Ballerina

The multi talented Juliette La Fleur photographed on location at the Fetishcon 2004 in Tampa, Florida
Model: Juliette La Fleur Hollywood, California
Camera: Sony Digital CD500
One of the most impressive artists I`ve worked with in a very long time, Juliette is a multi faceted talent and a unreal retro model and enthusiast.....her passion for retro equals my passion for it as a photogrpher, we shot many diverse looks during the Fetishcon, many that will be featured here, at my website as well as Juliette`s
And stay tuned LOOK FORWARD for great collaborations between us in 2005!
(Hollywood here I come!)

(Colour digital photo with only contrast and light filtering)

And here`s more from the truly amazing Juliette La Fleur

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