Keep on truckin' photo & image | on the road, world images at photo community
Keep on truckin' Photo & image by Kim Clauson ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
Not bad, may I suggest, if you take picture of yor car mirror check that there are no other surroundings, it would look much better if it would be a bit isolated...
or at least make the surroundings less sharp !
Mr. D 05/04/2006 22:19
Hello KimI like this kind of picture
But your's is more impressive because of the truck!
Best regards
Michael Drews 10/03/2006 12:32
Klasse Idee! Aus dem fahrenden Auto ist ein scharfes und detailiertes Foto gelungen.Gruß Micha.
Jacky Kobelt 21/01/2006 19:46
Not bad, may I suggest, if you take picture of yor car mirror check that there are no other surroundings, it would look much better if it would be a bit isolated...or at least make the surroundings less sharp !
Simone Schüpferling 21/01/2006 6:26
Very cool shot. I like the trucks, but your shot was a little bit dangerous, right?Greetz, Simone
Frank Cecconi 21/01/2006 2:24
Nice one! Well done;-)Sergio Pessolano 04/01/2006 12:07
Very good work. Excellent motion.Weltenbummlerin Inga 03/01/2006 21:37
gut gesehen!!steffen s... 03/01/2006 20:01
good shot!C.H.: ... on the road again ..... ;-)))
Alexander Heinrichs 01/01/2006 12:42
Never look back !Happy new year
Silke N. 26/12/2005 13:43
treffer!sehr gut erwischt!
die trucks rocken!
lg silke
°°° celle °°° 26/12/2005 11:57
keep rockin`++
Hermann-Josef Sittardt 26/12/2005 9:05
habe ich auch schon versucht, ist mir aber noch nie so gelungen.tolles bild.
Georg Bommeli 26/12/2005 5:24
Sieht klasse aus, der Truck im Rückspiegel. Ein Tolles Foto ist Dir gelungen.Gruss, Georg