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Just messing around with still life ideas.
Include in a comment, a description or a message to show this image.
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Insert the following link into the comment field of the desired conversation in Messenger using 'Paste' to send this image in the message.
Camil Mihaescu 21/01/2006 17:21
B/W-like image with nice color harmony.+++
Jeremy B 22/12/2005 0:03
Well done Kim. I like the composition. Thanks for checking out my work.Regards,
Milan Bystron 14/12/2005 18:07
Good ...Visiones de vida. 05/12/2005 4:33
SEXY is the first word the came to mind!,............Dragomir Vukovic 04/12/2005 22:39
excellent "small" picture,greetings in the open light
Sergio Pessolano 04/12/2005 22:35
Very pleasant still life. Excellent sidelighting.Ray Steinberg 04/12/2005 6:50
Nice shot.Ray
Seagaul 03/12/2005 10:16
a very sexy pic, indeed!