Jorgelina 1 photo & image | emotions, modelos, special images at photo community
Jorgelina 1 Photo & image by Luis Flores Monardes ᐅ View and rate this photo free at Discover more images here.
Its very interesting how some elements like glasses on face make and add some beaty to this girl. And I also think that red and white colours also give good contrast to this job.
Jeremy B 10/11/2005 7:33
Really like the perspective. Pretty model too.Ektor Coughanour 09/11/2005 0:52
Excellente fotografía!..Saludos.Kenny Jazz 08/11/2005 22:54
Its very interesting how some elements like glasses on face make and add some beaty to this girl. And I also think that red and white colours also give good contrast to this job.Dida Atanasova 08/11/2005 16:48
hvalaaaaaaa tebe bratkooo