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Hiedra, The Poison Ivy

Hiedra, The Poison Ivy

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Vanessa Torres

Free Account, Hermosillo

Hiedra, The Poison Ivy

I took this one on a play named Que plantón! this performance was doing by the students of theathre from the Sonora University.. was them last play. Im very proud about their job and this photo is like give them a big applause for their hard work,.. Here we can see the bad girl "the hiedra" "poison ivy" who was playing by Elizabeth Vargas.
Canon Eos film iso 100, With 30 velocity and 5.6 Aperture, 200 mm zoom. on the play was performanced.

Special thanks to Vladimir Danilov for the technical support

Comments 4

  • Mathias Blanck 25/09/2005 23:15

    Hi Vanessa, a very succeeded portrait.
    the blue background emphasizes the person and tendency.
    Very good !
  • Luis Andres Hernandez 16/09/2005 13:30

    Hola Vanessa, esta es una excelente foto, el contraste con el azul me parece genial. Me llama la atención la velocidad de 30 dado el ambiente en el que lo tomaste, fue con tripie? el asa no es alta, que hiciste para que no saliera movida?.
    Felicidades, creo que debes de compartir mas de tu trabajo.


    Luis Andrés
  • Jan Van Der Hooft 14/09/2005 17:43

    Nice photo well done
  • Jeremy B 14/09/2005 3:53

    Hi Vanessa, been wondering when we would see some new pics. I really like the composition, and the colors are vivid and theatrical. I'm impressed w/ the clarity too given the specs you gave for the shot. Nice work.
    Regards, -jeremy