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Guest Cabin At Alunksoos

Guest Cabin At Alunksoos

791 6

Craig Robinson

Free Account, Stacyville, Maine

Guest Cabin At Alunksoos

This is the guest sleeping quarters at my lodge in the wilderness of northern Maine, USA.

Comments 6

  • annegretfunk 28/07/2008 14:39

    ein nettes Häuschen
    für einen erholsamen Urlaub,
    gefällt mir.

  • Craig Robinson 22/04/2003 14:44

    Hi Yang. The photo was taken a little while after sunset. This summer I will take one at sunrise.
    '^) Craig
  • Yang Fang 08/04/2003 22:14

    interesting house. I'd like to see a picture of it take by some other lighting, e.g. sunset or sunrise etc.
  • Craig Robinson 29/03/2003 11:08

    I am anxiously awaiting your arrival .... ;^))
  • Craig Robinson 25/03/2003 22:14

    Yes, I second that Stefan. Too many men spoil the party. The more women the merrier the time ;^)
  • Blende EinsAcht 25/03/2003 20:07

    if you guarantee such beautiful sunsets as the one you posted here i might be thinking about taking my next vacation in maine :-))))) looks very cosy!
