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hrishikesh thakur 15/04/2009 16:53
excelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllent shot !Wayne Tsipouras 16/11/2008 5:07
Beautiful moment well captured.-Wayne
Susie Kerekes 06/11/2008 22:43
Nahát! :) Itt is szeretem ezt a képet.Sorin Lipenschi 02/11/2008 7:43
Excellent photo & title...Kombizz Kashani 01/11/2008 14:27
nice catch'L I F E' in a Black & White mode
Kombizz KashaniFons van Swaal 31/10/2008 22:45
Yes these where the days...............;-)))Fantastic shot it...
deep-x 31/10/2008 21:14
++++pkhe 31/10/2008 18:12
Ach ja,Liebe kann so schön sein,auch im Herbst.LG Petra
Herbst ist der Frühling des Winters