Arches of Belief
Shk Zayed Mosque - Abu Dhabi
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fotoallrounderin 28/11/2010 13:05
fantastique architekture.very good picture.
lg rosalie
Simone Wunderlich 26/05/2010 21:20
It's a very beautyful picture.Greetings, Simone
Hannes Gensfleisch 05/03/2010 0:22
Yes, that's good, very good!bw Hannes
And thank you for voting!
Thomas Keßler 28/02/2010 23:02
That´s very good in black and white!A new seeing of the structure....
I like it.
Chaito Bahamonde 28/02/2010 14:20
Sigue siendo un estilo inconfundible, y eso que ha evolucionado mucho desde la Mezquita de Córdoba o la Alhambra de Granada.Felicidades por la foto.
Josune Etxebarria Esparta 28/02/2010 12:00
I like it. Congratulations !!!Benetan ederra igo duzun argazkia. Aurretik nahi atzetik begiratu, dana da edertasuna. Zorionak !!!
David H Thomas 28/02/2010 11:21
beautiful contrast and symetry