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D200 85/1.4 My little girl.
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Hansiwalther 14/06/2019 8:36
I find it good.Greetings from Hansi
D~M~K 01/11/2008 12:48
beautifulSimona B. 24/10/2008 10:03
Beautifully.Andrej Nagode 24/10/2008 7:54
Very good!BW Andrej
iacob ion 05/10/2008 14:32
*****Ilona. 30/09/2008 13:56
super,nie moge oderwac oczu! piekne zdjecia robisz!!pozdrawiam,Ilona
Giorgos Fidanas 23/09/2008 22:37
Excellent.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Alexey Bowcock 22/09/2008 10:59
Huub Wolters 20/09/2008 18:41
Like it!Huub
Andre Everett 20/09/2008 17:01
This is really nice lighting, evening light?Zanaz 20/09/2008 16:39
wow, niceeregrads,
Sorin Lipenschi 20/09/2008 16:17
I like it!!!