
Puedes participar con tus fotos más creativas, ver fotos de otros fotógrafos, votar tus favoritas y ganar premios. Todo es posible en el canal de concursos. Aquí puedes ver los temas actuales de concurso para participar y los premios.

The World of Colors


The world is full of abundant colors. For this competion, announced together with Datacolor for the photokina 2014, we are looking for photographs primarily accentuating colors.

We are not limited on certain motifs, wether colorful landscapes, buildings, plants, animals or persons, submit your best, most creative and most colorful shot. We are excited to see what you will show us.

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Your camera, your best companion. Thousands of moments, you captured together. Lots of photos, slumbering on your hard drive now. But which photo is the best and can win a contest?

We would like to see your personal selection of your best three photos! Make your own decision but send us only the three best and take the chance to win a prize!

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In this contest, which is organized together with Kata bags, we would like to see photographs that exude the feeling of esasiness.

Whether butterflies in spring, a feather in the air or a child on a swing - which of the many possible motives for the topic you choose to show us, we are looking forward to seeing many creative images.

As usual pictures with a visible copyright stamp are not allowed.

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black and white


By reducing the colour reality every black and white picture develops its own charming aesthetics. In this contest we want to see fascinating, creative and exclusively black and white images.
Please no toning, sepia or something similar. Just show the pure black and pure white in a good combination.

Pictures with copyright note are as usual not always allowed.

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Winter is around the corner and everybody is looking forward to snow and sunshine.
The photographers heart beats faster while spending joyful moments out in nature.

Show us pictures of people and animals during the cold season.

Walkers in the middle of snow covered landscapes, sheeps in a snow storm, ice crystals on windows, snowball fights or playing children on a white powdered field, all of that and much more is what we want to see.

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Hacia la cima by Lola Gutiérrez
Hacia la cima 
by Lola Gutiérrez
13.9.17, 23:00
Miradas convergentes by Lola Gutiérrez
Miradas convergentes 
by Lola Gutiérrez
13.9.17, 23:00
El encuentro by Coquitte
El encuentro
by Coquitte
13.9.17, 23:00
Todos juntos !!!! by Antonio Pascual (aoplpo)
Todos juntos !!!! 
by Antonio Pascual

13.9.17, 23:00