my desk? my workstation? which one of ME are you talking to ? by Octavian Jalba-Verseck

my desk? my workstation? which one of ME are you talking to ? 


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31.01.2006 at 15:37h
, License: All pictures © by the senders.
+++ Contest winner - Show us your desk +++
1st place


For the administration
Dirk Hofmann

see the interactive version here :


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Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 31.01.2006 at 15:39h

see the interactive version here :

Fedja Kiselicki, 31.01.2006 at 15:55h

excellent idea:)

Abdul Khaliq, 31.01.2006 at 20:45h

360" Degree, 9 multiple shots, sandwiched, click and run and Creative a IDEA :)).

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 31.01.2006 at 20:56h

glad you like it, thank you guys!

Meganski, 31.01.2006 at 23:21h

This is GREAT!!!

Sarndra, 1.02.2006 at 8:27h

whoahhh i agree! Majorly cool idea :-)

Nice name to Octavian.

Patrick B. Parenteau, 1.02.2006 at 22:36h

Some great "pan" editing and I can appreciate the amount of work you have put into it. I see the guitar - what kind of music are you into?

Bob Porter, 3.02.2006 at 2:23h

Ok now, these experiments with human cloning have gone way to far. :)) great work !!

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 3.02.2006 at 3:57h

Patrick, i've learnt how to play guitar by playing Metallica songs, that's pretty much still what i'm into, except now i try to forget about it, write my own songs and start my own band !

the "pan" editting is actually not that great, because i only used about 10% for the double-exposure areas instead of the recommended 30% to 50%, since the room is quite small, i was close to the lens and i also had to leave some space to fit my 90kg in the shots, too.

it took me about 2 hours from the first shot to the final product, but i had a lot of fun, especially imagining the face my sister was gonna make ! :-)

Bob, that day WILL COME ! no doubt about it !

quite right, too ! we're definitely already able to destroy ourselves like we've never ever existed, so i think it's only fair to learn how to make some back-up copies before someone accidentaly pushes the red button, don't you think so ?

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 3.02.2006 at 4:06h

Sarndra !

sorry, didn't mean to leave you out, but when i saw your name i instantly thought about Tom Hanks' imaginary friend in Cast Away and got... carried away ! :-)

how was that for some "human struggle", ey ? :-)

thank you for your words !

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 3.02.2006 at 4:11h

oh , and there's Megan, too !

no excuse this time. i have to stop reading diagonally or i'll miss half the internet!

your pictures are great ! i love that Niagara shot !

Sarndra, 3.02.2006 at 8:30h

LOL Sarndra is a bit different to Spalding :P I'm telling my mum on you ;-)

Bart Heremans, 3.02.2006 at 19:47h

Nice panorama but where is your desk !?

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 3.02.2006 at 20:23h

you must be a windows user...

Senem G, 4.02.2006 at 12:15h

very nice idea...
and presentation..

BlimundaBli, 6.02.2006 at 5:38h

lot of work :-)

Jaime Crystal Attenborough, 13.02.2006 at 21:41h

i also love this, and the artwork on your wall nice !
you seem to be a really artistic guy !
great panorama

Stefanos Lampridis, 2.03.2006 at 14:01h

congratulations for the first place!

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 2.03.2006 at 15:56h

thank you all for all your kind comments ! they mean more to me than winning the contest does !

that's why i want to tell you that i feel i shouldn't have won, because i broke the rules !

i broke the rules by posting a comment with a link to the interactive version of the panorama, on my website, thus revealing my identity.

although i'm a fairly new user and nobody knows me, and i am 100% convinced that nobody voted for my picture because of my (unknown) name, i still broke the rules.

i didn't do it by purpose, but simply because i was too lazy to read the rules, but that doesn't change anything.

so, as far as i am concerned, i feel the next in line should be declared as contest winner.

thank you all again.

Dennis Veldman, 3.03.2006 at 23:16h

wauw the honesty does it :)
Winner congrats anyway!!


Katerina Zumrová, 4.03.2006 at 8:16h

wow...this is great work...I like this...

Vaclav Pizl, 4.03.2006 at 19:12h

Good idea. Congrat.

Massimo Carolla, 4.03.2006 at 19:29h

congratulation, very good idea and execution, regards massimo

Tomma Petcuscatti, 5.03.2006 at 21:57h

Ma grande :]

Stuart Borland, 6.03.2006 at 13:45h

Congratulations, a great piece of work and worthy of the win

best wishes


Angel Pena, 11.03.2006 at 16:03h

excellent !

Bernhard L2, 8.04.2006 at 14:38h

you are the real Allrounder :-)
Greez bernh@rd

Rudolf Haverkamp, 23.04.2006 at 22:24h

You are the one-
most creative work 've seen at this time.

Moonrise Moonrise, 30.04.2006 at 9:50h

Congratulations!! Funny idea!! :-)

Ben Robinson, 17.06.2006 at 10:57h

Awesome pic!, hope you have it on your wall somewhere, deserves to be hung up!

Octavian Jalba-Verseck, 17.06.2006 at 11:30h

that's a great ideea !

I just need to find a way to print it so that it has the height of an A4 portrait. My father will be impressed when he comes to visit.

thanx everyone for your comments, I didn't even notice there's so many of them ! I feel... hm... good !


Jimo Trust, 3.10.2006 at 12:54h

nice pic................!!!.regards-JIMO

Diana Bodea, 21.06.2007 at 16:33h

Great shot Octi :)

Frederick E Gaghauna, 7.08.2009 at 9:12h

So creative! :) +++

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