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Serguei Kovalev Serguei Kovalev Post 1 of 15
0 x Thank You
Well and a site! Already from free-of-charge users have taken away ability to publish one photo! A shame to such site!
If the person cannot pay he any more the person?


All I now can load photos!

Post Edited (20:24h)
Richard Chelstowski Richard Chelstowski Post 2 of 15
0 x Thank You
Sergei, I think there is some missunderstanding.
1. Keeping a site open costs money so someone has to pay for it. If you do not want to participate in sharing cost it is your choice. That's the principle of democratic society.
2. The site allows you without pay to look at all pictures (except nude), takes part in discussions, uploads 1 picture per week. What do you want more?

By the way I am also a guest on this site and I appriciate it
Danny W. Wilson Danny W. Wilson Post 3 of 15
0 x Thank You
Well said Richard.
Serguei Kovalev Serguei Kovalev Post 4 of 15
0 x Thank You
I now cannot expose in general any photo you it can understand?
Yours faithfully
Vladimir Danilov Vladimir Danilov Post 5 of 15
0 x Thank You
Aha, I understand now what Sergey mean...

He can not upload any photo anymore and thinks, this is a trick from admins. I ensure you, Sergey, the free members of FC still may upload 1 photo a week.

Please refer to the web-masters of FC to solve your problem.
Serguei Kovalev Serguei Kovalev Post 6 of 15
0 x Thank You
Daze odnoy fotografii v nedelu y ne mogu :(
Richard Chelstowski Richard Chelstowski Post 7 of 15
0 x Thank You
You are probably doing something wrong.
When you go to Upload window can you see in "Upload limits:"
fotohome: red bar 0 of o photos
uploads: green bar 1 available
notice: sorry, the home function is not available for you.
Serguei Kovalev Serguei Kovalev Post 8 of 15
0 x Thank You
Richard Chelstowski y probival zagruzat fotografii no u meny poyvlyetsy nadpis notice: Sorry, the fotohome function is not available for you. Spasibo 4to vi pitaetes pomo4 mne no pri4ina tut v 4emto drugom
Richard Chelstowski Richard Chelstowski Post 9 of 15
0 x Thank You
Privet Serguei,
That's not bad.
Still you should be able to upload a picture.
Although the first line says: Sorry, ...
but the second line should show: limit 1 photos within 7 days.
If so you are able to upload. Just select Channel then Section, select a picture, fill the title and description
then press Upload Picture button.

Let me know if you succeeded.
Anastasiya Ivanova Anastasiya Ivanova Post 10 of 15
0 x Thank You
I think it is still available for free members uploading one picture periodically.
It is bettre not to write words in Russian here. English is necessarily used for other people including admin team managers to read.
Richard Chelstowski Richard Chelstowski Post 11 of 15
0 x Thank You
It's a long dispute over languages.
I agree with you that the primary language should be English because its the most popular and internationally accepted. However a language, whatever it is, is used for communication, expressing thoughts and ideas. If someone has a problem with expressing himself in English (that's the case with Sergey) than what's wrong with helping him in Russian?
I saw in the fotocommunity many message in different languages: German, Dutch, Spanish, Turkey, Russian, Polish. Probably there are many more but it does neither offends me nor it is inappropriate. Just that person decided to express his/her thoughts that way.
By the way your message contains a string of character who nobody understands :-)
Re: Ðå: Åñëè ÷åëîâåê íå ìîæåò çàïëàòèòü åìó áîëüøå ÷åëîâåêà?
Sad that you are leaving the fotocommunity.
With regards. Richard

French Canadian French Canadian Richard Chelstows… 26.09.05 8
Serguei Kovalev Serguei Kovalev Post 12 of 15
0 x Thank You
Ur! I COULD Load a photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ... ay/4309992
Octavian Jalba-Verseck Octavian Jalba-Verseck Post 13 of 15
0 x Thank You
Halleluya !


However, i`m also a Guest but i can upload TWO pictures per week !!!
One in the English Channel, and one in the German Channel !!!


is this a feature or a small detail nobody ever thought of?

is it a good ideea to continue uploading 2 pictures per week, or will i get banned for doing so ?

i tried looking for an answer in the Help / Rules areas but couldn`t find any (fast enough).
Ruud van der Lubben Ruud van der Lubben Post 14 of 15
0 x Thank You

Its actually not mentioned anywhere, but yes you can upload 1x in com and 1x in de. As long as this possibility exists there's no reason why you should not use it !
Detlef Klahm Detlef Klahm Post 15 of 15
0 x Thank You
well...maybe I have to try that
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