Look back and forward to your photographs
Dear members!
Memories are important in photography. Do you remember your first work? Would you dare to compare your first and last photographs?
During my time as a member of fotocommunity I learned a lot new techniques, like using a long exposure time, Dynamic Range Increase, macro photography, or just arranging a motive better. I also upgraded my equipment. A better camera, lenses, software over the time.
How did you improve living the passion of photography? Would you like to post two photos here, one of your first and one of the newest for comparison?
I am really curious about that!
Matthias Moritz
team fotocommunity.com
Memories are important in photography. Do you remember your first work? Would you dare to compare your first and last photographs?
During my time as a member of fotocommunity I learned a lot new techniques, like using a long exposure time, Dynamic Range Increase, macro photography, or just arranging a motive better. I also upgraded my equipment. A better camera, lenses, software over the time.
How did you improve living the passion of photography? Would you like to post two photos here, one of your first and one of the newest for comparison?
I am really curious about that!
Matthias Moritz
team fotocommunity.com
Hello Matthias!
don't we know each other from the old Tsu platform?
I like your idea about the first and the last pictures, but I can only consult my digital archives... does that count too? They cover about 15 years...
I take photographs a whole lot sooner, starting my career as a graphic designer there were also photographic assignments.
Well, let me know en in the meantime I wish you all the best,
don't we know each other from the old Tsu platform?
I like your idea about the first and the last pictures, but I can only consult my digital archives... does that count too? They cover about 15 years...
I take photographs a whole lot sooner, starting my career as a graphic designer there were also photographic assignments.
Well, let me know en in the meantime I wish you all the best,

One of my first streetphoto's and probably the first one on Fotocommunity. Way back in 2005 i shot this scene in Tampere Finland with my then usual camera the Nikon D70

And one of my latest, in Amsterdam during my workshop streetphotography in 2018, this was shot with the Fjifilm X-Pro with 1.2/23mm
Wat leuk om deze twee foto's te bekijken, Ruud. Kun je me zeggen hoe je deze thumbnails in een post verwerkt? Moet je dan eerst die foto's geupload hebben op je eigen pagina? Bedankt alvast.
Dag Carien,
Heel eenvoudig, je upload de foto zodat deze algemeen zichtbaar is, vervolgens open je de foto en dan rechts onder zie je de knop "share" deze aantikken vervolgens "copy link to clipboard" en deze in het forum bericht plakken.
Heel eenvoudig, je upload de foto zodat deze algemeen zichtbaar is, vervolgens open je de foto en dan rechts onder zie je de knop "share" deze aantikken vervolgens "copy link to clipboard" en deze in het forum bericht plakken.
Oh thanks for sharing. I really love my first work