About me
PHOTOGRAPHY - my hobby for 25 years.
Several years ago I changed from my darkroom to the computer, from film photography to digital photography.
My corner in photography :
from sunrises to sunsets, from the mountains to the ocean , flowers and trees, all animals and sometimes people too.
My first digital camera was a Nikon 950 2MP. What a great camera that was, especially for macro. I still have it and use it for back-up.
Recently I got a Panasonic FZ20. I love the Leica lens, 12xzoom, stabilizer and much more.
Other hobbies: Camping, hiking and biking, sailing in the ocean, climbing up a mountain, the flowers and the trees, the birds and other critters - just everything outdoors.
Several years ago I changed from my darkroom to the computer, from film photography to digital photography.
My corner in photography :
from sunrises to sunsets, from the mountains to the ocean , flowers and trees, all animals and sometimes people too.
My first digital camera was a Nikon 950 2MP. What a great camera that was, especially for macro. I still have it and use it for back-up.
Recently I got a Panasonic FZ20. I love the Leica lens, 12xzoom, stabilizer and much more.
Other hobbies: Camping, hiking and biking, sailing in the ocean, climbing up a mountain, the flowers and the trees, the birds and other critters - just everything outdoors.
Piroska Baetz 02/12/2007 18:36
Hallo liebe Yolanda,ich möchte Dir und deinem Familie ein schöne, besinnliche Adventszeit wünschen.
Mit ganz lieben Grüßen,
die Piri
Dennis Maloney 06/06/2006 23:40
I visited your site today, and I love your photos...I can tell that your photos are from the heart...you have a passion for photography, and it shows...keep up the good work...best regards, denKaterina Zumrová 09/04/2006 18:36
Thanx…procházka u Labe
Katerina ZumrováKaterina :-)
Katja Merones 17/03/2006 8:37
great pictures!!best regards katja
Katerina Zumrová 06/01/2006 22:14
thanks you so much for your commentErtan ACIKALINLI 01/01/2006 0:38
Hi Yolanda .. Whats up ??Happy New Year !!!
Bill Lang 31/12/2005 14:29
Happy New YearBill
Sergio Pessolano 29/12/2005 23:39
Hi Yolanda,Thank you very much.
Have a great new year you too.
Sergio Pessolano 12/12/2005 8:11
Hi Yolanda,Thank you for taking time to comment my photo "IInfinity". I really enjoy your comment.
Ertan ACIKALINLI 08/12/2005 13:15
Thanks Yolanda for your kind comments ..keep in touch .
c u
°°° celle °°° 17/10/2005 20:29
thanks alot for being around with ur eyes and ur kind of commentts.....have a wonderfull time ;-)
c u
Brad Waldera 13/10/2005 5:07
Hello. I also have a Lumix FZ20, and almost all of my pictures on here were taken with that camera. I decided to take the next step and get a DSLR in the spring. Love what I get out of the FZ20 though, and will really miss it. Happy shooting.Andrew Denissov 05/10/2005 7:43
Thanks for your comment, Yolanda!Charles Cartwright 29/09/2005 1:58
Yolanda, Thanks for your comment regarding my photo of Dodger. We always thought she looked like she had some Maine Coon in her, but others have told us it is not so. She was a neighborhood stray of about six months when she followed our son home (twice!!) until we gave her a home. I have been enjoying looking at your pics, too. The one of the wooded scene in the fog is very good. I keep expecting someone or something to come rushing out at me. Charles (Bob)Jeremy B 27/09/2005 22:47
You have some wonderful nature photographs. Thank you for viewing my work. - greetings from Nashville.-jeremy