About me
I am a photographer based in Shannon (Co. Clare, Ireland) and specialising in landscapes, seascapes, abstract, sureal and commercial photography.
I will mostly show my photos whith which I am not happy or some experimental work. Therefore any comments are really welcome.
I try to comment other photos with some advice, best of my knowledge.
My new slideshow:
I will mostly show my photos whith which I am not happy or some experimental work. Therefore any comments are really welcome.
I try to comment other photos with some advice, best of my knowledge.
My new slideshow:
Tad Kanazaki 02/01/2011 3:13
Happy New Year 2011
Tad KanazakiTad Kanazaki 14/12/2010 5:15
Tad KanazakiAndreas Liptow 28/02/2010 17:36
Danke!Thanks a lot!
Je vous en remercie.
Mille grazie!
¡muchas gracias!
Andreas LiptowFons van Swaal 18/02/2010 14:18
Fons van Swaal 18/02/2010 14:18
Don't be sorry to vote contra.....you want some action maybe this is what you like .......;-)))
Best reagard,
Tad Kanazaki 03/02/2010 1:40
Tad KanazakiThank you for your visit and comment.
Bw Tad.
TFR 20/12/2009 21:30
Best wishes and a merry Christmas.Robert
Véronique Soulier 24/01/2009 12:12
thanks a lot Roberto to have loved this one,, amitiés VéroniqueBernd Schmidt2 14/01/2009 17:11
Vielen herzlichen Dank für Deine Stimme im Voting.Go to Hell 2
Bernd Schmidt2LG Bernd
Michael Grotkamp 04/01/2009 21:13
Danke noch einmal Roberto. I ´m happy. You was the right "logistic and right feeling man"! MchaelMichael Grotkamp 04/01/2009 21:04
Ich danke dir herzlich Roberto. I say a great thank you Roberto. Das hast du genau richtig gemacht. You have make this absolutly right my friend...Michael
foto-fun 01/01/2009 14:28
Hallo,hab mir gerade ein paar Fotos in deiner Galerie angesehen. Da mir sehr viele deiner Aufnahmen gefallen schreib ich es dir hier im allgemeinen.
"Sehr schön" ;-)
Ich wünsch dir alles Gute für 2009, insbesondere Gesundheit, Glück, Zufriedenheit und immer das rechte Licht vorm Objektiv.
Gruß, Markus
Autobahn A3
foto-funDarinka Mladenovic 01/01/2009 13:39
I wish you and your family happy New year DaeinkaCsomorLászló 30/12/2008 21:12
tashi délek!
Michael Grotkamp 26/12/2008 18:37
Grazie my friend. Wish you a strong champion jump in a successful new year. Thanks for all your constructive comments Roberto! bw: Michael