About me


Thank you for visiting my portfolio here! I am Paul and live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I'm 32 years old and have been photographing for a year an a half now. I mostly shoot models for the agency I work for, butnow and then shoot objects or landscapes I notice and think are worth to shoot. I work with a "simple", yet very great camera: the Konica Minolta Dimage Z1 with 3.2 Megapixels. I hope to learn more about photography and hope to become a better photographer.

Best wishes,


Comments 5

  • Ghislaine 24/04/2009 9:09

    Hey Paul!

    Lang geleden ;)
    M'n broer doet tegenwoordig ook aan fotografie
    (www.krijtenberg.nl)! Modellen gaat ook goed!
    (Kijk bij Jimmy Models-> New Talent).
    Wat doe jij tegenwoordig?

    Liefs Kus Ghislaine
  • Peta Lisle 31/12/2005 4:25

    Where have you disappeared to? More photo's please :)
  • Danny W. Wilson 20/12/2005 0:13

    Welcome to the FC!
    Crystal 3
    Crystal 3
    Danny W. Wilson

  • Peta Lisle 19/12/2005 14:11

    Hey Paul, love your work so far. Portraiture is definitely one of my favourite themes in photography and you've certainly got the gift for it. Welcome to FC, looking forward to seeing more from you. Regards, Peta
  • Dirk Hofmann 18/12/2005 17:59

    Hi Paul!

    Welcome to Fotocommunity.com. Good to see you found us. Here you'll find hobby photographers, amateurs and professionals from all over the world and after seeing your first photos i'm sure that you'll have a bunch of fans and buddys soon ... ;-)

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team ().

    Take care,
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