
Free Account, Grand Rapids

About me

JDB Works Photography is another avenue that I use to explore the creative possibilities in life. It is an avocation that I have been pursuing since the mid 70's as a student at William James College on the Campus of Grand Valley State Colleges.

I attended several art, design, writing,
photography photography
and, of course, theater classes in pursuing my Theater Arts major.

But the accolades bestowed on graduates were not to be. As it was for me, and a lot of young people in those days, my life was not as structured and productive as the State, who were the holders of the purse string of my education, thought it should be.

So it was with a heavy heart that ventured away from academia and started working full time in the food service industry.

It was not as bad as it seems. I had been working on and off at a local establishment called Gutherie's Digs. This is where I was taught to be a Chef and had 15 prosperous years in the pursuit of culinary excellence.

To make a long story short, too late I think, I have been taking photographs for the better of 30 years and have become good enough, in my mind at least, to show some of them to the world and maybe you might even want to purchase a copy for yourself or someone who might appreciate such things.

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