JC Ridder

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About me

I like to travel light.

I would love BIG Dslr's, with huge lenses, multi filters, and any other equipment needed for taking pictures....

But I settled for the small stuff, easy to pack, easy to use and perfect for a talentless photogrpaher.

I shoot film; Leica M4 and 50mm elmar.

I shoot digital; Ricoh GR-D, possibly one of the worst digicams a quite a lot of money can buy, but it's always with me. We've been having a serious affair for over a year now....

And for the shots the ricoh cannot take I have a Fuji F30, best low-light contraption to be found at that price.

I keep my pictures as they were shot, rarely crop and certainly don't mess with other setting, and not nowing how to is not the only reason.

I shoot only for my own pleasure, I am the last person in the world wanting to create the perfect photograph, I shoot what I like and how I like. I am not a rule person.

I roughly shoot about 500 pictures a week, including a photo diary of myself, my wife and my son. One of our rooms is wallpaperd with pictures, we just got started on the second room (top to bottom, corner to corner) and then we still have 6 rooms to go.

I develop and print my own B&W, basically Agfa APX 100 and Tri-x, Rodinal and HC-110 are the developers I use.

I print my own digishots too on an expensive Epson printer of which I can't come up with the type at the moment.

I am still working on digital photography, the main aim being to make it not look like digital.... Will be posting some pictures shortly.

Cheers for now

Comments 3

  • When 27/10/2006 22:02

    Hello. A warm welcome to FC from colorful Seattle, Washington. If you need any help getting around just give me a Quick Message. Yellow buddy light on. Make sure to join us in the forums and introduce yourself in the Meet and Greet section.
  • Dirk Hofmann 20/10/2006 19:37

    i also want to say: "welcome"

    hope you enjoy your stay and find some new friends around here pretty soon ... :-)

  • Abdul Khaliq 20/10/2006 1:14

    Hello JC,
    Welcome to fotocommunity.com

    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences. So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:


    Abdul – Channelmanager for Subjects
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