About me
One step at a time.....
Hello, I am a retired architect from Toronto Canada where I have practiced architecture for over 40 years. In 2005 I took up photography as a hobby.
To this date I've had some 40 exhibitions in Toronto city galleries and vicinity. Many of these were Juried Exhibitions where you had to be selected to get in. I have won some competitions among them the Wipplay contest from Paris, 3 times. I have also exhibited in Spoleto, Italy in 2010.
2011: Toronto Contact Festival - 2nd prize. 2014: City of Toronto Photo Contest:
Honorable mention. (out of 1600 entries)
I am married with 2 grown daughters and two grandsons. I am past 80. My website is: www.artmajeur.com/janosgardonyi. A number of my artworks have found their way into galleries and collections of artists, mostly from France and the US. I do refer to these Collections under the respective photos uploaded here.
Recent front page photos picked by admin. staff of fc and thankfully appreciated:
[ [fc-foto:40182249]
Update: July 2018. At age 81, due to kidney failure I am on dialysis 3x/week. I am unable to travel, so my photography is limited and cannot be as active as I was. However I have an enormous number of unused photos as I feel better I shall continue to take new photos.
To this date I've had some 40 exhibitions in Toronto city galleries and vicinity. Many of these were Juried Exhibitions where you had to be selected to get in. I have won some competitions among them the Wipplay contest from Paris, 3 times. I have also exhibited in Spoleto, Italy in 2010.
2011: Toronto Contact Festival - 2nd prize. 2014: City of Toronto Photo Contest:
Honorable mention. (out of 1600 entries)
I am married with 2 grown daughters and two grandsons. I am past 80. My website is: www.artmajeur.com/janosgardonyi. A number of my artworks have found their way into galleries and collections of artists, mostly from France and the US. I do refer to these Collections under the respective photos uploaded here.
Recent front page photos picked by admin. staff of fc and thankfully appreciated:
[ [fc-foto:40182249]
Update: July 2018. At age 81, due to kidney failure I am on dialysis 3x/week. I am unable to travel, so my photography is limited and cannot be as active as I was. However I have an enormous number of unused photos as I feel better I shall continue to take new photos.
JWG-Photography 23/12/2019 20:58
My Picture for you>>> Jochenalexander stefanatos 26/11/2019 19:32
I'm sure you've also visited Spinalonga,Janos, during your trip in Cretamy love alex
SINA 25/11/2019 13:04
Herbst im Hain....
SINAvielen lieben Dank Janos.....
SINA 23/06/2018 12:08
spätes Sonnenlicht
SINAArchitekturen im Detail
SINAthank you so much my dear
love Sina
SINA 01/01/2018 14:59
Am Ende des Tages
SINALieber Janos
Dir und Deiner Familie
und Frieden
das wünsche ich Euch von Herzen für das Jahr 2018
viel Liebe von Sina
adriana lissandrini 14/11/2017 23:44
Thank you very much Janos, but I'm no longer in fcgreetings, Adriana
rocco di ciommo 13/11/2017 19:09
no, in city life. a very green neighborhoodciao.thank you
grattacielo "lo storto"
rocco di ciommoSINA 13/11/2017 11:13
Danke lieber JanosFür Dein Lob und Gefallen an zwei meiner Fotos
Hab eine schöne Herbst und Winter Zeit
Viele liebe Grüße von mir Sina
Für Dich und deine Familie
SINA 17/07/2017 18:06
ruhige Tage
SINAauf Sommerwiesen 15
markkeville 08/07/2017 11:23
Thankyou for your kind ccommentSINA 05/07/2017 6:51
Ganz lieben Dank JanosSei herzlich gegrüßt von mir
SINA 24/06/2017 13:21
SINAes lebe die Lieb Janos ja
alles Liebe dir von mir Kristine
rocco di ciommo 04/06/2017 15:22
... unwarlike:-)
rocco di ciommo 04/06/2017 15:19
rocco di ciommo 31/05/2017 12:00
g r a z i e !ciao