About me

One step at a time.....

Hello, I am a retired architect from Toronto Canada where I have practiced architecture for over 40 years. In 2005 I took up photography as a hobby.
To this date I've had some 40 exhibitions in Toronto city galleries and vicinity. Many of these were Juried Exhibitions where you had to be selected to get in. I have won some competitions among them the Wipplay contest from Paris, 3 times. I have also exhibited in Spoleto, Italy in 2010.
2011: Toronto Contact Festival - 2nd prize. 2014: City of Toronto Photo Contest:
Honorable mention. (out of 1600 entries)
I am married with 2 grown daughters and two grandsons. I am past 80. My website is: www.artmajeur.com/janosgardonyi. A number of my artworks have found their way into galleries and collections of artists, mostly from France and the US. I do refer to these Collections under the respective photos uploaded here.

Recent front page photos picked by admin. staff of fc and thankfully appreciated:
[ [fc-foto:40182249]

Update: July 2018. At age 81, due to kidney failure I am on dialysis 3x/week. I am unable to travel, so my photography is limited and cannot be as active as I was. However I have an enormous number of unused photos as I feel better I shall continue to take new photos.

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  • Photographer (advanced stage)
  • Photo Editor / Designer