Gary Thaxton

Premium (Basic), Saxapahaw, North Carolina

About me

Photography became a visionary dream consuming my life into a meditative addiction and craving in the journey for my perfect image. The images displayed here in this photographic blog represents my attempts for the perfect meditative-photographic moment.

This pursuit has produced questions in my soul. Are these images worthy? Can each single image stand alone in context to my experienced moment? Where is that exact photographic moment in my life now, and did it ever exist at all? Paradox! Questions go on and on, but the path of questions has rewards in the realization these moments have been my life. Yes, I realize they are minute moments in comparison to the whole of my existence. My pursuit of the perfect photograph has been life fulfilling and each contain the warmth of my creative being, even if I am the only one who can see them, it is as it should be. They are me in the spiritual paradox of being, and there are no answers. Only the understanding of my purpose and the self-fulfilling accomplishments of what is my life. It contains so many variances, and I've tried not to get lost, but I do tend to ramble in words and thought.

Welcome to my gallery of light created images.

Gary Thaxton

Comments 32

  • WalterAdler 08/03/2024 10:32

    Vielen Dank für Deine Lobe.
    Beste Grüße Walter
  • Gary Thaxton 05/01/2024 17:18

    My pleasure.  Seeing is learning.
    gary thaxton
  • alexander stefanatos 05/01/2024 8:13

    Thanks very much Gary for visiting my gallery and  lingering over my work.It's true that I tried something well off my ordinnary route of work but I was somewhat "inspired" by the beautifully arranged interior of the museum.
    friendly  alexander
  • Danilo Massi 06/03/2022 20:40

    Thank you for your attention ...
  • hensken 01/09/2021 12:01

    danke für dein lob zu meinem foto. lg. hensken
  • hensken 13/07/2021 19:12

    danke für dein lob zu meinem foto. lg. hensken
  • hensken 07/07/2021 19:12

    danke für dein lob zu meinem Foto. l.g hensken
  • hensken 01/07/2021 11:38

    Danke für deine lobe zu meinen Fotos. l.g hensken
  • hensken 17/05/2021 17:07

    Thank you for your comment about my photos. I also looked at you photos that I like very much. I also love the reflections you have in your photos. l.g hans
  • hensken 17/05/2021 13:09

    danke für dein lob zu meinem Foto. lg. hensken
  • hensken 15/05/2021 10:26

    Danke für dein lob zu meinem Foto. lg. hensken
  • hensken 06/05/2021 19:41

    Danke für dein lob zu meinem foto. l.g hensken
  • hensken 11/03/2021 19:20

    Danke für dein lob zu meinem Foto. l.g hensken
  • hensken 30/11/2020 9:56

    Danke für deine lobe zu meinen Fotos. l.g hensken
  • Laura Daddabbo 05/11/2020 18:08

    Thank you so much Gary for adding "Sphynx" tor your fav, highly appreciated :-))
    Best regards,
  • 26 476
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  • Photographer (advanced stage)