About me
Hello Foto Mania!
I am Freddy from Indonesia, currently I am working with an International Humanity Agency here in Aceh. I really love photography and want to share the joy of it. It's a pleasure if I can meet with an international community such as fotocommunity. Please give your comments to my photos as it will give a spirit to share more photo here.
Pictures tells a thousand words right? so wish us the best!
Keep Uploading!!
I am Freddy from Indonesia, currently I am working with an International Humanity Agency here in Aceh. I really love photography and want to share the joy of it. It's a pleasure if I can meet with an international community such as fotocommunity. Please give your comments to my photos as it will give a spirit to share more photo here.
Pictures tells a thousand words right? so wish us the best!
Keep Uploading!!
Canan Oner 12/12/2010 22:36
Canan Oner 15/12/2009 13:01
With all my best wishes..Canan
Müslüm Yasargun 07/08/2009 8:51
Thank you very much Frederick. See you.Canan Oner 09/12/2008 2:06
Canan Oner 08/09/2008 13:40
Thank you so much Frederick..Have a nice week,
Markus Sparkus 22/05/2008 12:50
hey Frederick, thanks for the comment, you've got some beautiful photos here!i went to Indonesia when i was 3, but i only remember a giant air-conditioned cinema in Jakarta called the Golden Snail :D
Ainul Hadi 17/04/2008 18:10
Hehe... Jumpa lagi di FC, dah lama juga aku ga aktif, soalnya kalau dikantor ni website kena block... btw picnya keren2... Salut....Canan Oner 11/12/2007 13:40
Canan Oner 04/10/2007 15:12
Thank you so much again Frederick !!So kind of you...
Cheers, Canan
Canan Oner 04/10/2007 10:40
Hi Frederick !So nice seeing you visiting my pictures...
Thank you very much !
Best wishes, Canan
Michl Bittmann 28/09/2007 17:32
Selamat datang di fc, Freddy.It is nice to find one more who can show us photos from
"real" Indonesia. I hope there will be lots of...
Salam Michael
aw masry 27/09/2007 12:43
Hi FriendIni abis panjat pinang :-) Ini salah satu gambar dari seri peringatan kemerdekaan.
Trims atas koment-nya ya. Tentu saya sangat menghargainya.
Senang anda bergabung di sini. Welcome to You.
Ditunggu foto-fotonya, terutama di Aceh sana (.. eh lagi di Aceh ya hehe)
Best regards - andi aw masry
Harald Kilsch 27/09/2007 11:15
Welcome in Fc and many nice contacts.Every time good light
vG Harald
felidae. 26/09/2007 16:14
Welcome to the Fotocommunity.com.We`re glad that you`ve found this place to share your passion for photography.
For further help you can have a look at the following links :
For online help, just look here:
If there is still anything else you want to know, don´t hesitate to write us.
Enjoy the fotocommunity! :-) :-) :-)
Grit Siwonia, Youth channel manager