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About me

Welcome to my site.
I am a 18 year old person and a hobby-photographer. Therefor I know that my photos and editing might not be the best, but I am happily working on it!
At the moment, horses are the one thing I enjoy taking pictures of the most.

You do NOT have permission to use my pictures on sites unless you ask.
I do not allow my pictures on Stallet.se considering I use them there myself.

Here's some places where I'm also available

http://eyebulb.blogg.se - Blog, don't worry, it's in english
http://eyebulb.tumblr.se - Personal tumblr, shows stuff I like and other personal thing
http://zoantrophy.tumblr.se - Photography and other artistic things I do
http://fridolfk.deviantart.com/ - Deviantart, photography and art.

Comments 1

  • Adele D. Oliver 12/02/2013 7:59

    Hello and a warm welcome to the big and crazy world of FC.com ..... I wish you lots of fun showing your images and lots of new friends and inspiration from their work.
    greetings from Canada,
    Adele - Nature Channel Manager
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