About me
News Media Association - Freelance Press Photographer
News Media Association - Freelance Press Photographer. Contributing to Live News as a news-gatherer for the regional, national and international newspapers I take great pride in offering a top quality photography service telling the story of every day events as it happens rather than directing it. My professional and creative work also reflects a long history behind the camera describing my style as “storytelling in pictures” and documenting these as naturally and unobtrusively as possible. I can create a photograph that shows your true beauty, From boudoir to Fine-Art for that special look you've seen in beauty and fashion magazines, We can create the photography you desire, Home studio gives you the assurance and self esteem, be sexy and beautiful and most important, be yourself and book today. CD/DVD with all images for multimedia viewing and social media,
Mobile 07963703711
cell phone number 44 [011] [0] 7963703711
Spencer Tunick
Stock and commercial photography can be found on
Mobile 07963703711
cell phone number 44 [011] [0] 7963703711
Spencer Tunick
Stock and commercial photography can be found on
Eli Ferrari 16/04/2013 19:24
Muchas Gracias por tu comentario! Saludos desde Argentina!nokk 15/01/2013 7:23
a small gift
cHrist.. 13/09/2011 7:22
Thank you Giovanni!
Voglia di vincere
Gianni Bonelli 29/07/2011 12:38
Grazie 1000!!Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 28/05/2011 9:47
Ciao Giovani, grazie mille del tuo bel e positivo commento che mi gratificano come del tua bel'attenzione, tante belle cose e buon fine di settimana...Emirdon ricchilino 01/09/2009 17:11
welcome !John Willems 21/05/2009 4:01
PRESENTLY BEING VOTEDThanks for all Your nice comments on my photographs.
I’am proud that my image CitySCENE (below) has been recommended for the Gallery by Bertold Klammer.
Maybe I can also obtain my FIRST star in the Gallery thanks You (or Your friends) and if You want.
Everyone can vote this image on this moment (within 24 hours) on http://www.fotocommunity.com:80/pc/vote/display/16698851
Presently being voted for:
John Willems/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Thanks again to everyone from John Willems.